There are 15 posts tagged fail (this is page 1 of 2).
Dog vs ball
Happy holidays
Kiss your job goodbye
Sleeping on the job
Party fail
Granny fail
Where did all the content go?
I thought you said we had content for months?
Where’s the damn meme’s Jason?
Well, erm, yeah, we did. Turns out though that I done goofed. It was all waiting to go out but was sat in draft because my one job, the one thing I have to do, is to schedule it from draft to ready. It takes one button press.
For the past month or more all the memes, cat pics, and everything else was sort of sitting there waiting for me.
In my defence, these trees were never going to chop themselves down.
So, uh, sorry, I guess…
Please don’t get mad?
Look! Half naked people!!
Is Brexit dead? #BrexitFail
No-one turned up to this “huge” pro-Brexit protest.