WTF is going on here?
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Stuff so, well, random that you might well be asking yourself “WTF?” All the odds and ends go here.
There are 40 posts filed in Random (this is page 3 of 4).
More cats for no reason
An octad of fails
The Faster-Than-Light Guillotine
This exists
Shenanigans and malarkey.
Disclaimer: The images in this post have not been checked for proper rights or anything else. Their origin, the right to use them, and pretty much everything else that lawyers in suits like to talk about are properly questionable. This image was shared just because it is awesome and fun. If the copyright of this image belongs to you and you don’t want us using it, please get in touch; we’re not monsters, we just love the picture. Or, if you don’t mind us using your work, we’d be happy to put up a proper credit.