in The Internet

Just FYI. As of writing this (about three days ago), we are content up to five and a half weeks in advance due to the massive influx of submissions.

Topics that are notably running away from us include Tuesday’s music video slot (9 weeks), Caterday (7 weeks), Monday’s Caption contest (6 weeks), Friday’s quote (7 weeks), and Facebook video embeds coming out around three times a week.

Despite this hectic schedule, we welcome contributions for distractions although you may notice a growing time lag between submitting and it appearing on the blog. This is because we try to keep our content as varied (and distracting) as possible and there is a lot of fun stuff out on the Interwebs for us to share.

The only exception to this is topical or news based links which tend to have a fairly short shelf-life and are often added within a few days of the event they describe. Twitter links are a notable perpetrator in this regard.