in Politics

An assortment of tweets about British politics

Are you remain or leave? These days, it does not seem possible to be indifferent. Especially not when the Prime Minister breaks the law to get his own way.

Here are a collection of Tweets appearing on my timeline. Includes slightly sweary commentary.

All I can say is WTF?

WTF, Tories?

Apparently, “Dave” thinks we should not be angry when the PM is a racist tit…

At least SpaceAngel1964 has some common sense left.

Isabel thinks that calling out a liar is not very British (or something equally dumb).

Why are we letting the rich get richer by Brexiting?

Why the actual fuck are we letting them do this?

Just when you thought things could not get any worse, bloody Piers Morgan pops up and tries to tar all sides with the same brush. What a complete toss monkey!

I have no idea who Neil Coyle is but God bless the man for calling out our county’s worst-ever export.

Right, that’s enough of my bollocks. What do you think my fellow procrastinators? Is the PM a Butt-Monkey? should he bugger off? Why can’t we just say what we all know – that the PM lied and schemed? What in God’s name is wrong with saying that this whole Brexit deal has been FUBAR and we should probably call the whole thing off for now?

  1. I’ve been strongly for remain from the start. Impeach Johnson, pause or cancel Brexit, and hold a general election. That is what we need right now.

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